Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We respect Your trust, which You place in Us while sharing Your Personal Information, and thereby We have this Privacy Policy for Your complete secure transaction. We assure You that We will be handling Your Personal Information with utmost care. In Our mission to provide better security to Our Users We at Astrovel, collect and use information about You, Our Merchants, Customers, or anyone contacting Astrovel support.


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to make You understand and describe:

  1. a) What data and Personal Information do We collect from You.
  2. b) How We collect/store/process/secure/disclose or share such data and Personal Information in connection to Your use of Our Website, mobile applications, software, e-mail and other communication (Platform).
  3. c) Whom do We share such data and Personal Information with;
  4. d) How We protect Your data and Personal Information.

To use/view/access this Site/Platform You must be of age of majority as per the Applicable Law. In case You are a person who is incompetent to contract as per the Applicable Law, it shall be presumed that Your use/view/assess to this Site/Platform is under the supervision of legal guardian who is capable of understanding and agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and who shall be unconditionally liable in case of a violation/non-observance by You of the terms of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy shall be applicable to all and any User (defined herein below), Customer(s) (defined herein below) who accesses/views/uses this Site/Website/Platform for any purpose whatsoever.  So please make sure You review the terms of this Privacy Policy before You access/view/use Our Site/Website/Platform (Online Portal). This Privacy Policy shall be applicable whether You access/view/use this Site/Platform directly or through any Third-Party website/portal/platform.

Further, Astrovel reserves the right to change, amend and modify the Privacy Policy, at any time, by posting a notification of the same on the Website. It shall be your responsibility to keep a check on Our Website, Privacy Policy and rules on a periodical basis.


‘Astrovel , ‘Us’, ‘We’, or ‘Our’ refers to and our online platform(s), along with its Partners, directors, legal heirs, administrators, representatives, agents, personnel, employees and assigns; also ‘Astrovel’ for the purposes of this Agreement (Privacy Policy) and Website Terms, shall mean and include Astrovel and any other companies which becomes a part of Astrovel in future.

You’, ‘Your(s)’, and ‘User(s)’ here refers to any individual and/or Data Subject viewing, accessing and Using the Website.

‘Customer(s)’ shall mean any Person using the Services/Products (as defined herein) of Astrovel offered through the Website/Mobile Application or otherwise and shall include without limitation Data Subject.

“Person(s)” means and includes any natural or legal person including without limitation Company, Limited Liability Partnership, partnership firm, Trust, sole proprietorship, Association of Persons etc.

‘Data Subject(s)’ shall mean any Person(s) whose Personal Data/Personal Information is being collected and/or used by Astrovel.

‘Party/Parties’ User(s)/Customer(s) and Astrovel shall be individually referred to as Party and together referred to as Parties herein specifically and throughout the Contract generally.

‘Minor’ shall be a Person who is not of the age of majority as per the Applicable Law.

‘Privacy Policy/Policy’ shall mean and include these presents.

‘Website Terms’ shall mean and include the Website Terms of the Astrovel available at: that govern the Website and shall apply to Users, Customers viewing, accessing/using the Website.

SiteWebsite/ Platform/ Online Portal(s) here refers to the Website of Astrovel: and shall also include without limitation any of its other websites and/or wherever the context justifies, Mobile Application (also referred to as “App”)/ mobile sites/software applications and/or other online portal(s)/platform(s) through which Astrovel offers its Services/Products.

  ‘Third Party(ies)’ refers to any individual or legal entity who is not a party to this Privacy Policy and/or Website Terms.

Personal Data/Personal Information’ means any information/data relating to an identified or identifiable natural Person (‘Data Subject’);

‘Data Subject(s)’ shall mean any Person whose Personal Data/Personal Information is being collected by Astrovel.

Cookies’ means small text file that the Website places on the device of the User, while browsing the Site.

Personal Information/Personal Data’ means Personally Identifiable Information, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, who can be identified, including but not limited to name, job profile, e-mail address, phone number, business address, location, social media links, which is or was publicly available and is collected and retained by the Astrovel.

‘Services’ shall mean and include a variety of service offerings over the Website/Websites/ Mobile application(s), such as without limitation, Information given; Advice; Predictive Advice; etc. Services shall also include service offerings over other software made available by Astrovel, for conditional use for the specific purposes by its Customers/ Users/prospective Customers.

‘Product(s)’ shall mean and include without limitation item, articles and other goods sold by Astrovel.

‘Contract/Agreement’ shall mean and include Privacy Policy, Website Terms and EULA (in so far as Mobile Application is concerned).

‘Consent’ of the Data Subject means any freely given, informed and implied or express indication of the Data Subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action or by silence, signifies agreement to the processing/transmitting of Personal Data relating to him or her and shall be subject to mandates of Applicable Data Protection Law.

 Provided however, that consent also includes implied consent, implied by silence/no reply by Person whose data or data relating to whom is being gathered, where such a consent is not expressly prohibited by Applicable Data Protection Law.

‘Mobile Application/Application/ App” shall mean and include ‘Astrovel’ mobile/ tablet/ web application which is available for download from the Authorized Source (as defined hereunder).

‘Authorized Source’ shall mean the source or the website from where the downloading/installing of the App is expressly permitted by ‘Astrovel’ by defining on Our Website/Platform/Online Portal(s).

“Force Majeure” shall mean any event or circumstance or combination of events or circumstances set out below that affects any Party in the performance of its obligations in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, (a) Act of God, earthquake, flood, inundation and landslide, storm, tempest, hurricane, cyclone, lightning, thunder or other extreme atmospheric disturbances or epidemics, pandemics, (b) Fire caused by reasons not attributable to a Party; (c) Acts of terrorism; (d) Strikes, labour disruptions or any other industrial disturbances or lockdown, government orders, directions, notifications and/or circulars; (e) War, hostilities (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemy, rebellion, riots, weapon conflict or military actions, civil war, ionising radiation, contamination by radioactivity from nuclear fuel, any nuclear waste, radioactive toxic explosion, volcanic eruptions; (f) change in applicable laws, any order, rule, notification of the Government and/or other public or competent authority/court; (g) Acts of expropriation, compulsory acquisition or takeover by any government agency; (h) Non-availability/scarce availability of essential raw materials required for provision of any Services, (i) or any other event which is beyond the control of the Parties, which substantially impleads the performance of the obligations of either Party under this Agreement.

‘Applicable Law’ shall mean any applicable and relevant law, statute, rule, regulation, ordinances, treaty, judicial precedent, order, judgment, decree, injunction, permit or decision of the government, court or other legislative body, having jurisdiction over or otherwise governing these presents, as may be in force from time to time, without regard to conflict of law principles.

‘Applicable Data Protection Law’ shall mean any mandatorily applicable and relevant law, statute, rule, regulation, ordinance, treaty, judicial precedent, order, decree, judgment, injunction, permit or decisions of the government, decisions of the court or equivalent for having the effect of law. Provided that where there is difference in the jurisdictions of Data Subject and Data Controller/Processor, the Law applicable to Data Controller shall be ipso facto deemed as Applicable Data Protection Law unless the law mandatorily applicable to Data Subject expressly rules out applicability of the law in jurisdiction where Data Controller/Processor operate.


This Privacy Policy covers information We collect from You through Our Website/Platform/Online Portal(s). We collect information relevant to Your use of Our Website/Platform. This information may include without limitation Personally Identifiable Information (i.e., information that can be used to identify You) but also “Non-Personal Information” (i.e., information that cannot be used to identify You). Personal Identifiable Information includes name, address, e-mail address, phone number, credit card number, debit card number or details of other payment instruments, etc. Non-Personal Information includes IP address, URLs, operating system and browser software used by You. We may collect, use and disclose such Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Our Website Terms, as permitted or required by law.

We can gather this information whenever You interact with Us, such as including but not limited to, When You register Your personal account with Us; When You choose to buy/make a purchase using the Site as a platform, When You transact with Us; When You choose to post any feedback or send Us any email or try to interact in any other manner.


When You interact on Our Platform and/or use Our Services/Site/mobile application etc., We automatically collect the following information about You:

  1. Device Information

We collect device-specific information including but not limited to operating system version, unique identifiers, user preferences to be later integrated as a part of IOT or otherwise, etc.

  1. Location Information

Depending on Your use of Our Platform or use of Our Services, We automatically collect and process information about Your actual location. We use various technologies to determine location, including but not limited to IP address, GPS, Wi- Fi access points and mobile towers.

  1. Client and Log data

Technical details, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of Your device, time zone and operating system, We will also store Your login information (including but not limited to registration date, date of last password change, date of last successful login), type and version of Your browser.

  1. Contacts list

When You start using Our Website/Platform, You may be asked whether You want to allow Us to access Your contacts list. If You click “yes”, We can access and store names and contact information from Your contact list and can use this information to facilitate invitations and social interactions that You initiate through Our Website/Platform and for other purposes described in this Privacy Policy or at the time of consent of collection. If You click “no”, We will take reasonable steps attempting to avoid access to Your contacts list and unless the Applicable Law mandates, we do not guarantee that we will not be using the same.



The main purpose of collecting information is to make Your experience better with Us. By this information, We also from time to time update Our Site and always try to meet the demand of Users. We also Use this information to do internal research on Your demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand and serve You. This also helps Us to improve Our product as per Your change in taste and preferences. Further, We also collect this information to detect and, protect You and Our Site from any fraudulent activities, and offer You the best Services. This information may also be used for marketing purposes in so far as the Applicable Data Protection Law expressly does not prohibit such use.


Astrovel takes some precautions to try to protect Your Personal Data both online and offline and to try to keep Personal Data accurate, current, complete, and reliable for its intended use. We use various security technologies and procedures to help protect Your Personal Data/ Information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We monitor every activity of Yours, which takes place on Our Site. We adhere to highest security policy for which We suggest that Your password should contain the alphabets, numeric characters and symbols and, should not be shared with anyone. Our security measures ensure that Your information under Our control should be away from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, alteration and destruction. We also safeguard all Your financial information that You Use for Your online payments. We offer You a secure server whenever You accesses Our Website.

Further Astrovel will only retain Your Personal Data for as long as required for the relevant purpose.


The security of Your Personal Data/Personal Information is important to Us and We are committed to protecting the information You provide Us. We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures such as ‘end-to-end encryption’ (where Applicable Law or Applicable Data Protection Law requires so) method by means of ciphering or other methods to protect the Personal Data/Personal Information which We have under Our control, in accordance with the Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law. The security measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss.

You should be aware that no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be totally/100% secure. Although We strive to protect such information, We do not guarantee the security of any information that You transmit to Us over the internet and You do so at Your own risk.


Astrovel does not knowingly collect nor misuse sensitive Personal Data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership. Astrovel does not collect or use Personal Data belonging to bots yet, until further notice. 

Provided however Astrovel may in future deal with information related to bots/humanoid robots as and when there are social media accounts legally allowed to be created by their identity and in so far as the then Applicable Data Protection Law and/or Applicable Law does not prohibit dealing with their data as such. We may also use drones for delivery of products in which case your location and other Personal Data may be saved with us for providing you the optimum service experience.


Astrovel may collect and/or use Personal Data of Data Subject for direct marketing. Further, in future if Astrovel involves in any such marketing (whether solicited or unsolicited) of Personal Data of Data Subject, We shall notify You before collecting and/or using data for any such direct marketing purpose if the Applicable Data Protection Law mandates such notification and shall strictly comply to the Applicable Law and the Applicable Data Protection Law.


Notwithstanding anything herein contained and in so far as Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law does not expressly prohibit it, it is also hereby declared that in case of any cybercrime/data leak/ hacking or other such event which is not in Our Control, Astrovel shall not be responsible or liable for any claims by You anyone acting through/for You, if such an event has not directly happened due to anything done by Astrovel or its employees on purpose. Moreover, Astrovel shall not be responsible for any act/omission of its ex-employees/affiliates/sister concerns/franchisees. You agree to indemnify and keep Astrovel indemnified for any such claim/liability and resultant expenses/costs/compensation that Astrovel has to bear. If You do not agree to these terms, please communicate Your objection with reasons to the address (as provided in the clause ‘Contact Us’ of this Privacy Policy) and stop using this Website/Platform and any of Our Services with immediate effect. In so far as Your usage of Site before such cessation followed by objection is concerned, You shall be deemed to have agreed to these presents and Website Terms. Any Personal Data that You may have obtained through database, You have to delete it and send a certificate of deletion to Astrovel. In the event You fail to do so then the aforementioned indemnity clause becomes ipso facto applicable to You.


In case the performance of any terms or provisions hereof shall be delayed or prevented because of an event of Force Majeure, the affected Party may, at its option, suspend performance during the period such cause continues, and no liability shall attach against either Party on account thereof. Any Party suffering an event of Force Majeure shall diligently attempt to remove such cause or causes with reasonable dispatch. As soon as any event of Force Majeure is remedied, the Parties’ respective rights, obligations and performance as set forth in this Agreement shall be immediately reinstated.


You also enjoy certain rights in relation to Your Personal Information, subject to the Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law.

  • Astrovel maintains a transparent relation with its Users. We always try to keep you informed as to what We do with Your Personal Information.
  • We provide Our Website to be available to all and any User who is interested to take Our Services. Therefore, it is Your right to have access of the Site at any time, in relation to Your Personal Information being shared with Us.
  • You can make changes to Your Personal Information at any time, subject to the Applicable Law. If You face any difficulty while changing Your Personal Information, You can request Us to make the relevant specific changes. In addition, if We hold any Personal Information about You which is incomplete or incorrect, You always have the right to request Us to rectify that Personal Information.
  • You have the right to request that We delete Your Personal Information from Our database within 60(sixty) days from the date of such request by You, subject to the Applicable Law.
  • You can at any time, withdraw Your consent from sharing Your Personal Information with Us. Astrovel will then and there stop processing Your Personal Information further.

We Use Our own and Third-Party Cookies to improve Your shopping and browsing experience and to allow the Site to recognize You, as You move from one page to another. These Cookies are piece of data stored in User’s Web browser or server. Cookies may be used to collect the date and time of Your visit, Your browsing history, Your preferences, and Your username. If You disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of Our Services/Platform may become inaccessible or not function properly.


We may share and disclose Your Personal Information with Third Party in following cases as well. We disclose this Personal Information only after receiving explicit consent from You. We may disclose Your Personal Information to the extent that We are required to do so, i) by law, to comply with lawful requests, warrants, court order(s), subpoenas, search warrants or other law enforcement requirements; ii) in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceeding and to establish, exercise or defend Our legal rights; iii) if We reasonably believe that You have violated any Applicable Law or Privacy Policy or Website Terms; iv) as We deem necessary to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, prevent fraud and/or enforce Applicable Law.


This Privacy Policy does not apply, when Our Site has/gets links to Third Party website(s)/portal(s) and collects any Personal Information about You. In this case, You acknowledge that these websites collecting Personal Information of Yours is not protected by Us. Astrovel will not be responsible if these parties collect Your Personal Information to their database, and further shares with any other entity. Therefore, We request You to read their policy/ies separately.


Subject to the Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law providing it, You shall have the right to opt-out of having Your Personal Information used for advertisements, newsletters, promotional purposes and other purposes not directly related to the Products or Services provided by Us and/or its business associates/service partners/ affiliates/ vendors. We and/or related service partners/vendors/business associates/affiliates will continue to send You transactional and related e-mails, messages and communication about Your requests for availing Our services, account use and updates/changes therein on Our Website. You may exercise Your right to withdraw consent for accessing/ storing/ processing of Your Personal Information by contacting us (as detailed in clause ‘Contact Us’ in this Privacy Policy, subject to the Applicable Data Protection Law. When a User exercises his/her right to withdraw consent to the User’s Personal Information stored with Us, all of the Personal Information shall not be used after such consent is withdrawn and may be deleted subject to the provisions of Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law. However, we shall not be responsible for any non-compliance or misuse or continued usage by such Third Party (ies) in relation to Your Personal Information.


Astrovel intends to comply with the Applicable Law. As such, Astrovel only processes Personal Data/Personal Information of Data Subject and/or User where it has a lawful basis to do so, which may include the Consent of the Data Subject, performance of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation, or the legitimate interest of Astrovel or a Third Party. Astrovel provides notice to all Data Subject(s) and/or User(s) regarding Personal Information if so required by Applicable Law/Applicable Data Protection Law, as appropriate, and honors the rights of Data Subject(s) and/or User(s) provided including the right to be forgotten.


Applicable Data Protection Law will only be adhered to where compliance with those laws is mandated or where these laws are applicable to either party in such a manner that its applicability to transaction(s) in question is compulsory and unquestionable, not otherwise.


User acknowledges and agrees that We take every measure for having in place the appropriate privacy and security measures for securing Your Personal Data. You as Data Subject and/or User agree and understand that neither Astrovel, nor its administrators, sister concerns, subsidiaries, representatives, associates, affiliates, franchisees or assigns shall be held liable for any loss/damage/harm/ injury caused to You or any Third Party due to sharing of the aforesaid Personal Information or due to any breach or other perils such as hacking, phishing, to the aforesaid Personal Information. Provided further and notwithstanding anything contained in Our Website Terms and Privacy Policy (these presents) [for User(s) who are not/not yet Customers], You as User/Customer/Data Subject hereby unconditionally agree that Astrovel shall not be liable / for any claim made by any Person in or from any other Country based on a cause of action, beyond what is mandated by the Applicable Law and Applicable Data Protection Law in its literal and strict interpretation.


In the event of any claims/disputes arising pursuant to this Privacy Policy/Website Terms/EULA, such dispute shall be referred to and finally settled by the applicable arbitration law in India.  All disputes arising out of, in respect of or in relation to this Agreement or any part thereof shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be appointed by Astrovel. If there is a difference and lack of consensus on the nomination of a sole arbitrator, then each Party would nominate their respective arbitrators, and such nominated arbitrators shall nominate a third arbitrator by mutual consent to form a three-member arbitral tribunal.

The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules. The venue of such arbitration will be Pune, Maharashtra India and the language of the arbitration shall be English. The award of arbitrator shall be binding upon both Parties. The cost of the arbitration will be borne equally by you and the Firm.


In case of conflict between the provision of the Website Terms, EULA and this Privacy Policy:

  • The terms of this Privacy Policy shall prevail in cases where the subject matter of dispute or conflict relates to Privacy Policy and Personal Information;
  • The Website Terms shall prevail in cases where the matter of such dispute or conflict relates to the terms of usage of the content other than those mentioned in this Privacy Policy of the Website.
  • The Website Terms shall prevail in cases where the matter of such dispute or conflict relates to the terms of usage (primarily of Astrovel mobile application) of the content other than those mentioned in this Privacy Policy and/or Website Terms of the Website.


If You need any more information on Our Privacy Policy or have any complaint, feedback, query, request or suggestion, You can reach us out:

Email: [email protected]

Phone Number: +91 72220 42444